Friday, December 22, 2006

Instructive quotes on critiquing photos

These quotes are from Richard Zakia's book entitled Perception & Imaging.

- The act of critiquing or passing judgment on a photograph involves evaluation, and for the evaluation to be fair and reasonable there must be some type of criteria or purpose.
- Remarks such as
I like it
It's not interesting
may be based on the critic's unspoken criteria but are of little help to the photographer.
- Critiquing a photograph is a subjective task and more often than not different critics will have different opinions.
-Photographers must accept this variability of response to their pictures, listen to what others have to say, but also believe in themselves and their work.

Note: Zakia is Professor Emeritus at Rochester Institute of Technologyand chair of Fine Art Photography and graduate program in Imaging Arts.

Thursday, December 14, 2006

Simsbury Bank Calendar is out

Here are my observations of the 2007 calendar:
1- Print quality seems even better than last year.
2- Photos by camera club:
Simsbury 9
Granby 3
Canton 2
3- Competitively speaking, the photos were better this year.
4- However, I would clasify 6 of the photos in the "Oh, hum" category (none were ours).
5- One photo was too low resolution, oversharpened, and should not have been printed for quality reasons. It clearly failed on technical grounds alone (Simsbury Camera Club)
6- Six of the nine Simsbury Club photos came from 1 person.

If might be interesting for us to critique these photos at our next meeting using the criteria we discussed. Good practice and it will let us know how far we have to go on our learning process.

Thursday, December 07, 2006

Exposures 2007 form

December Scavenger Hunt Winners

Mary's Rock: Peter Dinella

Black & White: Rob Fisher

Pet: Rob Fisher

Food: Maddie Lapuk

Door: Peter Dinella

Favorite: Karen Cusano

Meeting Notes: December 4, 2006

Granby Camera Club
Meeting Notes: December 4, 2006
Next Meeting: January 8, 2007
Program: Informative Presentation: Photo Workshops, Tours, Classes

Rob welcomed our visitors and we all introduced ourselves.
Treasurer’s Report: $405.27 on hand
Dues collected: $25

Old Business:
1.Simsbury Bank Calendar: Harry was called and three pictures where chosen from our club: Peter had two pictures chosen and Harry had one. Congratulation! Next month a representative from the bank will come and make a presentation.
2.We still have need for a program in June. It was suggested we take a field trip .It could be to an exhibit. Members will keep a look out for interesting and educational opportunities.

New Business:
1.It was voted to give a life- time membership to Bob Orr, the founder of our club. Paula will make a card and send it to him.
2 It was suggested that next year the Camera Club sponsor a prize for a photograph in Land Trust/Holcombe Farm art contest. We have done this in the past and it was agreed we would look into it as the contest takes form for next year. $100 was suggested as an appropriate amount.
3. Paula handed out forms for a photography contest in West Hartford. Rob will post it on the web site.
4.Aline asked for photographs for hanging in the community room. They need to be matted and framed with a wire backing for hanging. They may be left in the office of the Senior Center.
5. We did some brain storming for ideas for field trips and or projects: Christmas lights, barns of Granby, and the painted horses.
6.From the above discussion the group decided to look into doing a calendar, note cards, or postcards of the Granby Painted horses. Rob will check into printing and Paula will check out making cards .The calendar could be smaller and would fit into a purse or brief case!
7. As you take pictures around Granby save some for the Drummer! Andrea would like to have some stock pictures to use for the Granby Drummer. Put them on a cd and bring them to her at the meeting .

NO Scavenger HUNT this month: BUT take lots of pictures of the Granby Painted Horses. Next meeting bring in all you have taken now and in the past few months. We will choose horses for our calendar.

Evening Program: How to Evaluate Photos
Harry gave a history of the club’s evaluating/judging of photos. It has gone from a very serious point system to a simpler explain and comment to the now toss and point scavenger hunt! Peter researched what other clubs do and that ranges from no judging to full judging with criteria, rating scale, training, etc. WE voted on a ballot as to how we would like our process of photo judging/presentation to be. Most would like to change the current process and add some criteria or other elements. We will continue to discuss this as a group to come up with a process that can address the interests of us all. Thank you Harry and Peter.

Scavenger Hunt:
Another round of great pictures!!!! Winners were:
Peter: Door and Mary’s Rock
Maddie: Food
Rob:Black and White, Pet
Karen: Favorite

Pictures for the Senior Center Membership Cards
We took some pictures after we found new batteries for the camera. If you did not have your pictures taken we can do it next month or you can drop by the Senior Center and Sandy will take it for you.

Next Meeting: January 8, 2007
7:30 pm at the Granby Senior Center
Program: Dick O’Donnell will give an informative presentation on Photo Workshop, Tours, and Classes.

Remember: Take lots of pictures of the Granby Painted Horses

Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Don't miss your big chance... vote how you want Granby Camera Club photos to be judged, or not to be judged, at our next meeting which is in less than a week. All GCC members, including new ones, can have a say. Don't leave it up to Jane! Be there to put in your two cents (and if your not a memeber be there and bring some cash for your dues).

Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Direction to :Mary's Rock"

Coming from Granby, take 189 (North Granby Road) North about 3-4 miles and then a left onto Mountain Road(Post Office on left/blink light)going west. Go about 2 miles and you'll see an open field on the right with a great view. That is part of the Mary Edwards property. You can park anywhere along this property line. A little further up you'll see the official entry with a post that hold brochures. You can get direction to Mary's rock at that point. Otherwise, go on the Granby Land Trust site for additional information.

Sunday, November 12, 2006

Is there more in life than "I like it."

The only criteria to use when evaluating photographs is whether you like it or not. Right?

Last meeting we learned that there was more in life than just "auto." In our December meeting we will discover that there is more to evaluating photos than "I like it [therefore it is good]."

Question: How can you reject a close-up of a cute puppy or little kid over a photo of a tree?
Answer: Because people like puppies and little kids, that's why. Gee! I thought everyone knew that.

Harry Fisher and Peter Dinella will take you beyond the "I like it road" and present alternate routes so you can decide for yourselves.

Don't miss this captivating and challenging presentation.

Also, you will be able to vote on what the future holds for the Granby Camera Club in this area. Don't miss this meeting!

Friday, November 10, 2006

Doom days ahead for film!

Did you know:

1. Nikon announced in January that it plans to cease film camera production.
2. Konica Minolta sold all Minolta camera patents etc. to Sony and withdrew from the camera market.
3. In 2004 Kodak announced it would stop selling film cameras in the US.
4. Quoted in the press: "The supplies and materials necessary to process film will become more and more expensive. Shooting film may be cost prohibitive."
5. Also in the press: "Many professionals confess that they only shoot film when a client requires it."

Who will survive in the digital professional marketplace? Nikon and Canon.

Change your ways film lovers. The end is near. Sell your film cameras on ebay ASAP...right, Rick?

Thursday, November 09, 2006

November Scavenger hunt winners

Granby Oak : Paula Johnson

Pumpkin Display: Rob Fisher

Foliage: Rob Fisher

Favorite: Paula Johnson

Curve: Vern Wells

Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Meeting notes from November 6, 2006

Granby Camera Club
Meeting Notes: November 6, 2006
Next Meeting:December 4, 2006
Program: Evaluating Pictures

Rob welcomed our visitors and we all introduced ourselves.
Treasurer’s Report: $590.27 on hand
Dues collected: $35

Old Business:
1.Simsbury Bank Calendar
Peter reported that he had been called by someone working on the calendar and it looks as if he has had two pictures chosen for the calendar!!!!!

New Business:
Scavenger Hunt words for the month: Black and White, Door, Favorite, Food, Mary’s Rock, Pets

Evening Program :Is there more to Life than Auto ?.
Photojournalist Robert Floyd spoke about and illustrated the ABC’s of photography through the presentation of his slides. It was a very informative program for all level of photographers. Many interesting questions were asked as we enjoyed the slide presentation. The slides were varied and most interesting as he explained the various techniques and rationale for each picture. For more information about Robert Flyod and his studio in Southhampton, Ma visit his web site:

Scavenger Hunt:
Another round of great pictures!!!! Winners were:
Foliage and Pumpkin Display: Rob
Curve: Vern
Granby Oak and Favorite: Paula

Next Meeting: December 4, 2006
7:30 pm at the Granby Senior Center
Program: Evaluating Pictures

Saturday, November 04, 2006

$$$$$ Costco Photo Paper a winner $$$$$

At the suggestion of my brother-in-law, I bought and printed some photos on Costco (Kirkland) Professional Glossy Injet photo paper - 125 sheets of 8.5x11 in. for $18.99! Try and beat that price anywhere. The paper is made in Switzerland.

Superb! It works on many Epson (I have an R1800), HP, Canon, and Lexmark printers. I probably will never buy Epson Glossy paper again. In fact, I like it's better than Sam's Club paper which is Ilford and very good.' Sam's is more of a semi-gloss compared to Costco.

Thursday, November 02, 2006

An Open Invitation to a Special GCC Nov. 6 Meeting

The Camera Club would like to extend an invitation to all interested photographers to join us for a very special program. Learn the ABC's of Photography from Robert Floyd and meet the Granby Camera Club.

The Granby Camera Club is very excited to have Robert Floyd, photojournalist, as its featured speaker on Monday, November 6 at 7:30 pm at the Granby Senior Center. The program will be: Is there more to Life than Auto? As owner and director of The Robert Floyd Photo Gallery in Southampton, MA, Robert Floyd seeks out new talent and aims to bring new and experienced photographers to their next level. His experience is far reaching from Corporate photographer to covering over 2,250 photo assignments all over the globe as well as throughout NYC. Please go to his web site for more information:

Monday, October 30, 2006

Good Microsoft website

Try the below link to Microsoft website for good digital photography information.

Sunday, October 29, 2006

What's the difference? AdobeRGB and sRGB

If you want to post or send better looking photos using the Web, convert your AdobeRGB photos to sRGB. Many point-and-shoot cameras are set for sRGB, so no problem for you. But, like me, I shoot all my photos using AdobeRGB color space which is great for ink jet printing, but it produces less pronounced photos on the on this site.

How do I convert in Photoshop? Do the following:

Edit>Convert to Profile
Set the Destination space to sRGB
Set the Intent to Perceptual
Click OK to convert

I'll post an sRGB and hope it works. Or send yourself an e-mail with both versions of the same photo. The difference is VERY clear.

Saturday, October 28, 2006

Converting your images to sRGB

Before you attach your images (if taken in Adobe RGB color space) to e-mails or web publications like this one, convert your Adobe RGB files to sRGB for much better presentation.

To convert using Photoshop:

1. Select Edit>Convert to Profile
2. Set the Destination space to sRGB
3. Set the Intent to Perceptual
4. Click OK to convert

The attached photo has been converted and worked great in test e-mails.

Converting an image to sRGB

I just learned this recently. To prepare your images for the web/e-mails they must be converted to sRGB (as opposed to Adobe RGB) "otherwise color results can be unpredictable typically drab..."

To convert and Adbobe RGB image in Photoshop to sRGB:
1. Select Edit>Convert to Profile
2. Set the Destination space to sRGB
3. Set the Intent to Perceptual
4. Click OK to convert

I've attached a copy of Mary's Rock converted to hopefully illustrate sRGB.
I've sent myself test e-mails and it works beautifully.

Sunday, October 15, 2006

Yes, I know, another panorama, but this one is special. Taken at Mary Edwards Property yesterday with low, setting sun, it took 6 stitched images with a file size of 203MB. If printed it would measure 12"x58".

What I like the best is the clouds which required very quck panning to counter the movement.

I hesitate to think how much the frame would cost$$$$$$$.

Saturday, October 14, 2006

I got some of my photos published in the Granby Land Trust web site (see link below), including the panorama at page bottom. Along with the Salmon Brook Historical Society, this is another good Granby organization worthy of your participation.

Their site is:

Friday, October 13, 2006

October Scavenger Hunt Winners

Horse by: Rob Fisher
Bubble by: Andrea Leshinskie
Backlit by: Rob Fisher
Grid by: Del Shilkret
Favorite by: Peter Dinella
Statue by: Del Shilkret

Friday, October 06, 2006

Panorama Using Digital or Film Cameras

You can make panoramas if you know a few simple concepts and have Photoshop.
Do you know how to find the "nodal point" of your lens?
How much overlap for each shot?
Or, if you have a Canon point-and-shoot camera, a panorama setting might be one of your choices. It's very easy.

The above pano was shot from Barndoor Hills,October 5, using a Nikon D200 and a 17MM lens. Three shots were stitched.

Wednesday, October 04, 2006

October 2, 2006 Meeting Minutes

Granby Camera Club
Meeting Notes: October 2, 2006
Next Meeting: November 6, 2006
Program: Guest Speaker: More to Life than Auto Focus

Rob welcomed and introduced our visitors.
Treasurer’s Report: $580 on hand
Dues collected: $20

Old Business:
1.Simsbury Bank Calendar
Harry reported that he, Rob, Peter and Paula all submitted photos for the Bank Calendar Contest.
2. Rob encouraged us all to carry our Camera Club Cards and hand them out to individuals that seem to have an interest in photography.
3. Monthly Programs: We still have two opening for programs. It was suggested that we offer a program on Scanning for the April meeting. Peter and Andrea will work on this presentation.
Program Committee: Granby Camera Club Programs for 2006-2007

Oct. 2 Ebay Buying /Selling Rick Matheny
How to make the most of it

Nov. 6 Basic Photo Technology Guest Speaker - Robert Floyd
Is there more in life than Auto?

Dec. 4 How to Evaluate Photos Harry Fischer & Peter Dinella

Jan. 8 Informative Presentation Dick O’Donnell
Photo Workshops, Tours, Classes

Feb. 5 Macro Photography Rick Matheny
Equipment and techniques

March 5 Light/Subject/Background/Conditions Peter Dinella

April 2 Scanning: slides, pictures, negatives Peter Dinella & Andrea Leshinskie

May 7 Photo Preparation for Presentation Rick Matheny

June 4 To Be Decided

4. Words of the month for the Scavenger Hunt: Please give Rob some ideas. Paula will send him the ones from the web site that should keep us going for a while!

New Business:
1. Peter Dinella shared with us his scanning of old glass negatives for the Salmon Brook Historical Society. The resulting photograph was really terrific. What a great resource and talent for the historical society!!!!
2. We discussed our goals & future uses for our limited finances. Our goals were as follows:
a ) Expansion of the Club( Community Outreach)
b) Club uses such as field trips
c) Miscellaneous expenses

3. We all voted to have Photographer Robert Floyd speak at our next meeting. His subject will be Basic Photo Technology: Is there more in life than Auto? We will write an article for the drummer and try to get the word out to the community through word of mouth and some posters.

Evening Program: Buying and selling Camera Equipment on E Bay
Thanks to Rick for giving us a great introduction into world of ebay. Now we all have to do is to log on and explore!!!!

Scavenger Hunt: Remember to email your winning pictures to Rob
Another round of great pictures!!!! Winners were:
Rob: Backlit and Horse
Del: Grid and Statue
Andrea: Bubbles
Peter: Favorite
The Scavenger Hunt Words for October
Curve, Favorite, Foliage, Granby Oak, Pumpkin Display

Next Meeting: November 6, 2006
7:30 pm at the Granby Senior Center
Program: Basic Photo Technology: Is there more in life than Auto?
Guest photographer: Robert Floyd

Friday, September 29, 2006

Glass Phot Plates

The photo was made from a scanned glass plate (c. 1910) using an Epson 4990 scanner and PS2 to restore to original quality. These old glass plates are a treasure.

Monday, September 18, 2006

September 11 scavenger hunt winners

Favorite by: Rob Fisher

Wildlife (tie) by: Paula Johnson

Wildlife (tie) by: Rick Metheny

Wildlife (tie) by: Rob Fisher

Fireworks by: Rob Fisher

Boat by: Rob Fisher

Barn by: Harry Fischer

Fade by: Rick Metheny

Meeting Notes: September 11, 2006

Granby Camera Club
Meeting Notes: September 11, 2006
Next Meeting: October 2, 2006
Program: Ebay Buying /Selling and how to make the most of it.

Harry welcomed and introduced our visitors.
Treasurer’s Report: $577.87 on hand
Dues were collected
Election of Officers:
President: Rob Fisher
Vice President: Peter Dinella
Treasurer: Paula Johnson

Old Business:
1.Simsbury Bank Calendar
Harry reminded us that our entries need to be handed in at the Senior Center by 10 am on September 22 . He will deliver them to the bank. If anyone has any questions please give Harry a call and I am sure he can help you.
2. Rob handed out our new Camera Club cards. Job well done. Thanks Rob for your work and thanks to Peter for the use of his great Granby Oak pictures. We all need to remember to carry them with us and give them to people that we think might be interested in joining our club.

Program Committee: Looks like a Great Year thanks to the committee!
Granby Camera Club Programs for 2006-2007

October 2 Ebay Buying /Selling Rick Matheny
How to make the most of it

November 6 Basic Photo Technology Guest Speaker
Is there more in life than Auto?

December 4 How to Evaluate Photos Harry Fischer & Peter Dinella

January 8 Informative Presentation Dick O’Donnell
Photo Workshops, Tours, Classes

February 5 Macro Photography Rick Matheny
Equipment and techniques

March 5 Light/Subject/Background/Conditions Peter Dinella

April 2 To Be Decided

May 7 Photo Preparation for Presentation Rick Matheny

June 4 To Be Decided

New Business:
There are two photo opportunities this fall:
Land Trust Photo Contest :
Holcomb Farm is holding an exhibit of pictures taken of Granby Painted Horses.
Scavenger Hunt: Remember to email your winning pictures to Rob
Another round of great pictures!!!! Winners were:
Barn: Harry ,
Boat, Fireworks, and Favorite: Rob
Fade: Rick
Wildlife: Rick, Rob and Paula

The Scavenger Hunt Words for September
Backlit, Bubble, Favorite, Grid, Granby Painted Horses, Statue on the town green

Monthly Program: We adjourned to the computer lab and Rob gave us an introduction to using the Camera Club Blog. Don’t forget to post something and to get in the habit of referring to it for up dated information.

Next Meeting: October 2, 2006
7:30 pm at the Granby Senior Center
Program: Ebay Buying /Selling and how to make the most of it.

Wednesday, September 13, 2006

The horseshoe barn of Canton

This picture is presented to viewers as a test, for me, to see if I can upload photos to the blog.

Harry Fischer

Granby Camera Club

Granby Camera Club

Programs for the year have been sent to all members and interested photographers. How do I copy and paste this on the blog?

Sunday, July 16, 2006

Frame your photos and Blog me

It's easy to frame your shots in Photoshop. I'll tell you how, but you MUST contact me via the Blog. Click on little letter icon near this messageand reguest this valuable information, at no charge.

To receive this information you must have a version of Photoshop and be a member of the Granby Camera Club.

Friday, June 30, 2006

GCC Business Card Offering

Here's my offering/suggestion for our business card. I used the Granby Oak since it is a symbol of Granby. Black/white photo with Granby Camera Club, etc. in color print. Comments, suggestion are welcome.

Monday, June 12, 2006

Generic Photos for Simsbury Bank Calendar

Simsbury Bank calendar judges like "generic photos" because it gives them greater flexibility in filling certain months. The bird shot is generic (it could have been taken in any Valley town). Also, look in your our backyard, as I did, to get potential $100 calendar shots.

Thursday, June 08, 2006

Notes from June 5th, 2006 meeting

Granby Camera Club
Meeting Notes: June 5, 2006
Harry welcomed and introduced our visitors.
Treasurer’s Report: $577.87
1. Rob Fisher still needs to be reimbursed $10.60 to for the cost of the great posters that he designed and had printed for the club.
Old Business
1.The suggestion was made that the club look into sponsoring a photography class for children at the Holcomb Farm Learning Center. Paula will follow up to get pertinent information and will continue to talk with Mary Kate at the farm. They are interested but wonder if we have ideas as to content and instructors! Any one out there who would like to take a shot at teaching a class???
2.The Program committee; Rob, Dick, Rick, Kathy and Peter will met this summer to plan next years program. Anyone who has any ideas or interests for programs please email Rob, with your ideas….they have yet to chose a leader!!!!
3. Rob led two groups to Stanley Park to take photographs of wild flowers. We all had a great time and shared some of the photos that we took. Thanks Rob~!
4.Don’t forget to keep up the shooting for your entries for the Simsbury Bank Calendar.

New Business
1. Field Trips for the summer: Rob will coordinate a trip to Action Wildlife in Goshen .
2.There is a special exhibit at U Conn Seeing the Unseen, photographs by Harold E. Edgerton. (Famous for fast action photography, including the Milk-Drop Coronet, and Shooting the Apple) The exhibit looks facinating and Sandy from the Senior CenterI thought the club may like to use the Senior Van to go for a tour. Please let Rob know if you have an interest in this. The exhibit is there until August 6.
3.Rob will look into designing cards for the Camera Club. He will check out the price and work on a design. Camera Club members would have them to hand out to interested people to let more know about our club and how to connect with our group.
4. We will check out the possibility of having some shelf space at the Senior Center. We have had some book donated to the club as of now we have no space for them. Andrea has a shelf she will be happy to donate. Paula will check out the options at the center.
Monthly Program: Photographing Fireworks.
Rob presented ideas for achieving successful pictures of fireworks and he also showed us a video of some of his pictures. Great program…if you wish to have his notes and information from the presentation go to our blog as it is posted there.
Following his presentation he showed a video that Wendy Van Welie put together after our session with her.
Scavenger Hunt
Another round of great pictures!!!! Winners were:
Flower, Leading Lines, and Three: Mary, Sticky: Nate, Street Light :Tom
Favorite Photo: Peter

Next Meeting: Monday, Sept 11, at 7:30 pm at the Granby Senior Center
Program: To Be Announced
The Scavenger Hunt Words : Barn, Boats, Fireworks, Fade, Favorite Photo,Wildlife,

Wednesday, June 07, 2006

This is the photo paper I mentioned at the meeting which is identical to the Epson brand but costs much less. It's Ilford Galerie Smooth Gloss Photo Paper - 8.5" x 11" in the blue box. $23.78 for a box of 100. Look it up on the Sam's Club website -

You might check other websites for pricing.

Monday, May 15, 2006

Can I take a photo?

When is the light good enough for taking photos? The attached may help to remind us how critical the right light is.

Saturday, May 13, 2006

May 1st scavenger hunt winners

Rain by: Rob Fisher

Favorite Photo by: Rob Fisher

Sprout (tie) by: Paula Johnson

Flow by: Rob Fisher

New by: Nate McGarrahan

Sky by: Kathy Dammers

Sprout (tie) by: Nate McGarrahan

Tuesday, May 02, 2006

Stanley Park Field trip - May 20th

As we discussed at the meeting I would like to make a field trip up to Westfield, MA to visit Stanley Park and shoot the many gardens they have there .. Please let me know if you are interested in going .. we will meet, to carpool, at the senior center @ 8:30 on Sat. May 20, 2006 .. I know the park inside and out,almost, and will make a game plan to cover the parks gardens .. I would think we would be back in town around noon ..
-Rob Fisher

Meeting Notes: May 1, 2006

Granby Camera Club
Meeting Notes: May 1, 2006

Harry welcomed and introduced our visitors.

Treasurer’s Report: $572.76

1.Voted to reimburse $10.60 to Rob Fisher for the cost of the great posters that he designed and had printed for the club.

2.The suggestion was made that the club look into sponsoring a photography class for children at the Holcomb Farm Learning Center. Paula will follow up to get pertinent information.

Old Business
1. Our field trip to Wendy Van Wylie’s studeo was a great success. She walked us through a typical photo shoot using Rob’s daughter as our model. We all took shots and asked lots of questions. She also explained how she handles her work load and prepares her photos for her clients.

2. Harry reviewed information concerning our Blog and explained our monthly scavenger hunt for our visitors. He and Peter also reminded us about the Simsbury Bank Calendar contest and encouraged all to get out and shoot, shoot, shoot!!!!!

New Business
1. Field Trip: Rob will coordinate a filed trip to photograph flowers at Stanley Park in Westfield, MA on Saturday, May 20. Those interested should contact him via email:

The plan is to meet at the Senior Center at 8 am to car pool. Sunday would be the rain date. If there are some that would like to go up on a week day next week email Paula and we can set a date and time:

2. Ideas were mentioned for future workshops or meeting programs: Color Management and Working with Adobe Photoshop. A program committee will meet this summer to plan for next year. If you wish to help call or email Harry. We need every ones imput!!!!!

3. Rob shared his video on Stanley Park at the end of the meeting.

Monthly Program: Weather Photography

Members shared the pictures that they had taken after our program in March on weather photography.

Scavenger Hunt
Another round of great pictures!!!! Winners were:

Flow, Rain, and Favorite: Rob

New: Nate

Sprout: Nate and Paula

Sky: Kathy

Next Month’s Meeting: Monday, June 5 at 7:30 pm at the Granby Senior Center
Program: Photographing Fireworks

The Scavenger Hunt Words for May:

Flowers, Leading Lines, Sticky, Street Lights, Three and Favorite Picture

Digital Darkroom Questions E-mail Service

There is an excellent e-mail service that provides answers to digital darkroom questions. You can sign-up the receive this service (DDQE-mail service) by going into Tim Grey's site shown below and look for the DDQE-mail service page.

You can only ask questions if you subscribe $$$, but if you're interested in learning from other people's questions, it is a great place. He's an author, lecturer, etc.

Sunday, April 30, 2006

How large can I print my digital photos?

This info is confirmed by many sources including West Coast Imaging. Assuming you want EXCELLENT quality (Gallery/pro quality - maximum detail)here's the largest size you can print by camera MP:

5MP - 8x12
6MP - 11x14
10MP - 16x20

(7, 8, and 9MP give you no better reslts than 6MP. So, if you want to move up from 6MP you should buy at least a 10MP camera)
If you want to read the whole article go to

or just go the westcoastimaging and weave you way thru the site for this info.

Now's a great time for those calendar shots?
This is a shot of the Dewey Granby Oak site. Everybody focuses on the tree, but the entire site is very attractive.
Again, this photo was made from two versions (light and dark) of a RAW image then combined in Photoshop CS2. This allows for an increased dynamic range and looks more like the image you see with your eye.

Friday, April 14, 2006

West Hartford Art League

Hi Everyone,

I just wanted to share with you that I have had three photographs (1-20x30, and 2-16x24) accepted at the Annual Open Juried Exhibition at the West Hartford Art League that opens Sunday April 23rd and runs until May 21st at the league's gallery located at 37 Buena Vista Road, West Hartford. The gallery hours are Thursday - Sundays 1-4pm.


Friday, April 07, 2006

April 3rd scavenger hunt winners

Old by: Rob Fisher

Wild by: Dick O'Donnell

Macro by: Rob Fisher

Favorite by: Rob Fisher

Open by: Rob Fisher

Surprise by: Rob Fisher