Friday, January 20, 2006

Granby Camera Club Workshop

Tuesday, January 31, at 7:30 at The Granby Senior Center
Topic: Editing Your Photographs with Adobe Elements 3
Peter Dinella will lead this class.
Please let us know if you are planning to attend(

The Elements 3 session will show how to optimize a photo and correct common flaws. A "work flow" outline will show how and when to use key Elements 3 procedures including the use of layers. We will also show "quick and dirty" ways of fixing photos for those not interested in having complete control over the editing process.

Saturday, January 14, 2006

Meeting Notes: January 9, 2006

Granby Camera Club
Meeting Notes: January 9, 2006

Treasurer’s Report: $276.15 Total as of Dec. 5, 2005
$ Business:
1.Voted to reimburse Paula : $22.63 for the picture frames to use for our display on the bulletin board at the Senior Center.
2. Received $ 10 dues from Bob Orr and Peter Dinella
3. Received $300 from the Simsbury Bank for the three pictures that were chosen for the 2006 calendar from our club entries.

Money in Account $276.15
Income: $320.00
Total: $596.15
Paula reimbursement $ 22.63
Senior Cards: Bob/Peter $ 10
Total $32.63
Balance as of Jan.9, 2006: $563.52

Visitors From The Simsbury Bank
Representatives from the Simsbury Bank made the official presentation of the check for the three winning pictures in their 2006 Calendar. A picture was taken to put in the Granby Drummer. They also spent some time with us explaining how pictures are chosen and what they are looking for. This was welcomed as it gives us more ideas as we begin our quest for entries for the 2007 calendar.

Old Business
Program committee is still looking for someone to lead the program on weather photography in March. Rob Fisher will do the program on Fireworks in June.

Dec. Workshop on Splash
Rob reported that the workshop was a success and shared some of their very creative pictures.

Evening Program
Dec. Scavenger Hunt Results: Great pictures!!!! Rob was top vote getter for the Lights, Prospective, and Shadow, Nate for Fold, and Tom for Authority Figure. Check out the blog to see the pictures!

Digital Photography
Harry and Rob gave a very informative talk about digital photography. Harry put together some notes from their talk :
1. Buy an SLR instead of point and shoot. Many more options for specific types of photo opportunities.
2. Resolution important for large photos.
3. Optical zoom is better than digital zoom. Digital can produce grainy enlargements
4. Usually three different quality modes. Super Fine, Medium and lousy!! Should shoot most if not all pictures in the super fine mode. If you don't, Murphy's law says that the one you want to enlarge will be the one you shot in the lousy mode.
5. Take as many pictures of the subject you want. With digital you can erase ones don't want and not print ones you don't need
6. For trips, buy another media card.
7. Don't use the display screen to take pictures. Use the view finder.
8. Digital cameras eat batteries. Buy rechargables and don't use the display screen to take pictures
9. Software can be used to adjust pictures and even make unique results. Adobe Elements a good program for making multiple adjustments.
10. Need a good printer.
11. Don't have to do all the work. C.V.S. and photo stores will do it for you!!!!

Happy Hunting!!!!
Words for this month’s Scavenger Hunt:
Stack, Incomplete, Hands, Rule of Thirds, Pattern.
We added an Open Category: Personal Favorite shot of the month

We also need to work on a picture to use as our club logo. Rob suggested we all take a try at taking a picture of the front of a camera lens.

Monthly Workshop:
I will pick a date when Peter and the computer room are available and he will give us some tips and pointers on editing a photo with Adobe Elements. Keep a look out for another email from me!

Next Meeting: Granby Senior Center

On Monday, February 6 at 7:30 pm our meeting will feature a special guest: Local Photographer Wendy Van Wylie who will speak on Landscapes, Light, and Candid Photography. Join us for this special presentation. Please bring a friend!

Friday, January 13, 2006

Peter's Faux UV look from color photo

Peter has supplied us with this link to show us the technique .. please try something and bring it in and share your results ..
