Thursday, February 23, 2006

Orchid show in MA

I have been informed by my father in law that there is an orchid show in massachusettes this weekend, both Sat. and Sun. Feb. 25,26 .. I will be going on Sat arriving around 1:30 .. here is some info I found on the internet about the show ..

Amherst Orchid Society show at the Smith Vo-Ag High School, 80 Locust St (Rt 9), North Hampton, MA. For info please contact Mark Gray, PO Box 73, Williamsville, VT 05362 or

I hope to see some of you there and or maybe see your photos at the March meeting ..

-Rob Fisher

PS .. I was told "NO TRIPODS"

Monday, February 13, 2006

Scott Tracy invites us to tour his observatory on March 22, 2006

Scott Tracy has invited us to tour his observatory located at his home in Granby. He has suggested a date of March 22, 2006 at 7:30 assuming clear skies.

For those of you who are new to the club, Scott Tracy teaches astronomy at Ellington High School and has build an observatory in his back yard. In addition to observing the stars, Scott also uses his telescope to take pictures of the heavens and share them with national astronomy organizations.

Scott spoke to our club last year about photographing the heavens and said he would have us visit his observatory on a cold starry night. I visited Scott's observatory several years ago and enjoyed the experience immensely. I am sure all of our club members will find the visit fascinating.

Hope you can join us.


Sunday, February 12, 2006

Granby Camera Club

Granby Camera Club
I still get clicking to soon and publish nothing! I will try to cover Sunset/Sunrise for our weather program. I took a class some years back and have some notes and will do some research. OK...who will step and do Lightning??????

Thursday, February 09, 2006

Meeting Notes: February 6, 2006

Granby Camera Club

Meeting Notes: February 6, 2006
Evening Program
Harry introduced our special guest and speaker: Wendy van Welie. Wendy’s Indigo Images Photography Studio is in West Granby. Wendy shared her enthusiasm, passion, and love of photography with the club and guests. She emphasized that we are the documenters of history and it is important that we take and print pictures to pass on to the following generations. Wendy’s job is portrait photography but her hobby is in landscape photography, which provides her more of a chance to experiment. Her advice was to shot, shot and then shot some more! She talked about moving to digital equipment and the digital work flow. Please visit her website to view her work and creative philosophy.

Treasurer’s Report:
January Balance: $563.52
Dues received: $10 Tom
$10 Nate
Total Received: $20
Feb. 6, 2006 Balance: $583.52

Old Business
1. March Program on Weather Photography still needs a presenter. It was decided that we would all think about presenting some information on one topic( such a lightning, sunset/sunrise, rain, snow, fog, etc ). When you decide on a topic please note it on the blog so we do not have all doing the same weather element! If you are not happy with using the blog, email Harry and he can sort it all out!

2. Many thanks to Peter Dinella for a very informative and enjoyable workshop on Adobe Elements 3. We would like to have a follow up after we have had some time to practice.

New Business
1.A Feb. workshop will be decided upon by Harry and Rob. They will let us know what is planned.

2.Scavenger Hunt Winners: As always ..lots of great shots!
Hand- Rob, Rule of 3rds-Nate,Unfinished-Nate, Stack-Rob, Pattern-Tom,
Favorite Photo-Paula

Next Meeting: Monday, March 6,2006 at 7:30 pm at the Granby Senior Center
Weather Photography
Scavenger Hunt for February:
Motion, Power, Under, Through, Sunset/ Sunrise, Favorite Photo

Wednesday, February 08, 2006

February 6th scavenger hunt winners

"Favorite shot" by: Paula Johnson

Pattern by: Tom McIlroy

Hand by: Rob Fisher

Rule of Thirds by: Nate McGarrahan

Incomplete by: Nate McGarrahan

Stack by: Rob Fisher

January 9th scavenger hunt winners

Shadow by: Rob Fisher

Fold by: Tom McIlroy

Holiday Lights by: Rob Fisher

Authority Figure by: Nate McGarrahan

Perspective by: Rob Fisher

Tuesday, February 07, 2006

Granby Camera Club

Granby Camera Club
Just wanted to make sure I could log in...Will send the minutes to Rob tomorrow and try to pick a weather topic to cover for next meeting. I certainly enjoyed our workshop on Adobe Elements 3 that Peter ran and look forward to a follow up in a while to give us time to practice.