Granby Camera Club
Meeting Notes: May 1, 2006
Harry welcomed and introduced our visitors.
Treasurer’s Report: $572.76
1.Voted to reimburse $10.60 to Rob Fisher for the cost of the great posters that he designed and had printed for the club.
2.The suggestion was made that the club look into sponsoring a photography class for children at the Holcomb Farm Learning Center. Paula will follow up to get pertinent information.
Old Business
1. Our field trip to Wendy Van Wylie’s studeo was a great success. She walked us through a typical photo shoot using Rob’s daughter as our model. We all took shots and asked lots of questions. She also explained how she handles her work load and prepares her photos for her clients.
2. Harry reviewed information concerning our Blog and explained our monthly scavenger hunt for our visitors. He and Peter also reminded us about the Simsbury Bank Calendar contest and encouraged all to get out and shoot, shoot, shoot!!!!!
New Business
1. Field Trip: Rob will coordinate a filed trip to photograph flowers at Stanley Park in Westfield, MA on Saturday, May 20. Those interested should contact him via email:
The plan is to meet at the Senior Center at 8 am to car pool. Sunday would be the rain date. If there are some that would like to go up on a week day next week email Paula and we can set a date and time:
2. Ideas were mentioned for future workshops or meeting programs: Color Management and Working with Adobe Photoshop. A program committee will meet this summer to plan for next year. If you wish to help call or email Harry. We need every ones imput!!!!!
3. Rob shared his video on Stanley Park at the end of the meeting.
Monthly Program: Weather Photography
Members shared the pictures that they had taken after our program in March on weather photography.
Scavenger Hunt
Another round of great pictures!!!! Winners were:
Flow, Rain, and Favorite: Rob
New: Nate
Sprout: Nate and Paula
Sky: Kathy
Next Month’s Meeting: Monday, June 5 at 7:30 pm at the Granby Senior Center
Program: Photographing Fireworks
The Scavenger Hunt Words for May:
Flowers, Leading Lines, Sticky, Street Lights, Three and Favorite Picture