Granby Camera Club
http://granbycameraclub.blogspot.comMeeting Notes: June 5, 2006
Harry welcomed and introduced our visitors.
Treasurer’s Report: $577.87
1. Rob Fisher still needs to be reimbursed $10.60 to for the cost of the great posters that he designed and had printed for the club.
Old Business
1.The suggestion was made that the club look into sponsoring a photography class for children at the Holcomb Farm Learning Center. Paula will follow up to get pertinent information and will continue to talk with Mary Kate at the farm. They are interested but wonder if we have ideas as to content and instructors! Any one out there who would like to take a shot at teaching a class???
2.The Program committee; Rob, Dick, Rick, Kathy and Peter will met this summer to plan next years program. Anyone who has any ideas or interests for programs please email Rob, with your ideas….they have yet to chose a leader!!!!
3. Rob led two groups to Stanley Park to take photographs of wild flowers. We all had a great time and shared some of the photos that we took. Thanks Rob~!
4.Don’t forget to keep up the shooting for your entries for the Simsbury Bank Calendar.
New Business
1. Field Trips for the summer: Rob will coordinate a trip to Action Wildlife in Goshen .
paintblr@cox.net2.There is a special exhibit at U Conn Seeing the Unseen, photographs by Harold E. Edgerton. (Famous for fast action photography, including the Milk-Drop Coronet, and Shooting the Apple) The exhibit looks facinating and Sandy from the Senior CenterI thought the club may like to use the Senior Van to go for a tour. Please let Rob know if you have an interest in this. The exhibit is there until August 6.
3.Rob will look into designing cards for the Camera Club. He will check out the price and work on a design. Camera Club members would have them to hand out to interested people to let more know about our club and how to connect with our group.
4. We will check out the possibility of having some shelf space at the Senior Center. We have had some book donated to the club as of now we have no space for them. Andrea has a shelf she will be happy to donate. Paula will check out the options at the center.
Monthly Program: Photographing Fireworks.
Rob presented ideas for achieving successful pictures of fireworks and he also showed us a video of some of his pictures. Great program…if you wish to have his notes and information from the presentation go to our blog as it is posted there.
http://granbycameraclub.blogspot.comFollowing his presentation he showed a video that Wendy Van Welie put together after our session with her.
Scavenger Hunt
Another round of great pictures!!!! Winners were:
Flower, Leading Lines, and Three: Mary, Sticky: Nate, Street Light :Tom
Favorite Photo: Peter
Next Meeting: Monday, Sept 11, at 7:30 pm at the Granby Senior Center
Program: To Be Announced
The Scavenger Hunt Words : Barn, Boats, Fireworks, Fade, Favorite Photo,Wildlife,