Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Don't dump your old lenses, yet

I nearly sold all my old Nikkor AI lenses (35/40 years old), but got such a miserable price quote for them at B&H I decided to keep them. Am I happy! They fit my Nikon D100/200, and except for auto focus they maintain all their functionality. They are "prime lenses" rather than zoom and I decided to test out their sharness, resolution ,etc. The attached photo is a sample.

Generally speaking, prime lenses are a little sharper than zooms, especially if you intent to enlarge big. The thing I really like about the old lenses is that they have the depth-of-field marks on the lens barrel which are generally not on autofocus lenses.

Saturday, February 24, 2007

Salisbury Ski Jump

Good form by one of the jumpers at the annual winter festival in Salisbury CT.

Day after the snow fall

Finally got the shot I wanted of the Granby Oak. Snow on limbs, etc.

Saturday, February 17, 2007

Granby Winter Wonderland?

Panorama shot - two images blended.

Not the weather for California types who see Turkey Vultures in their dreams...and talk about it!

Monday, February 12, 2007

Salisbury Ski Jump Photo

Here is a shot that I got while out with Harry Fischer at the Salisbury Ski Jump. I could not believe that he actually jumped or that he wore that orange outfit. Just kidding that is not Harry. While there I met a nice lady shooting and we shared blog links and she is considering stopping by to visit our club. She does a photo-a-day blog and you can visit it at http://sharonctdailyphoto.blogspot.com/. I hope to see some shots that others got soon.

Scavenger hunt winners for February

Favorite photo: Vern Wells
Church (Tie): Del Shilkret
Church (Tie): Vern Wells

Bridge: Rob Fisher

Saturday, February 10, 2007

Minutes of meeting 2-5-07


Rob welcomed our visitors and we all introduced ourselves with a comment about the type of camera equipment we use.

We have another new member who joined tonight. Welcome Gary Melnysyn.

Treasurers report: $725.27 on hand
Dues collected: $10.00

Old Business:
· Rob explained for the visitors, the background on our discussions about judging pictures. We will be continuing our review of this subject in future meetings.
· We considered some programs for the month of June (the only month with no program), and decided the subject would be “Composition” by Vern Wells.
· Peter passed out an instruction sheet on using the Camera Club blog. The blog has been updated and we need to sign up again. Just follow the instructions Peter provided. Also note that the blog page is arranged differently.
· Peter reminded us that the Simsbury Bank is also looking for winter pictures for their calendar. With the recent snow fall, now is a good time to take some snow scenes.

New Business:
· Dick O’Donnell gave us some tips on cold weather photography. Particularly going from cold to warm. Avoid moisture in the camera by gradually warming it. Peter said he puts the camera in a plastic baggy before bringing it inside, seals it, brings it inside and lets the camera reach room temperature before removing it from the bag (about ½ hr to 1 hr.). Also, the cold is not good for batteries. They lose their charge quickly. Put the batteries in an inside pocket if you are not shooting for a while.
· Rob said he is still waiting for information from a friend on the procedures we have to follow at the high school to take pictures of a basketball game. He will let us know by email.
· Dick O’Donnell suggested a field trip to a ski jumping contest in Sailsbury CT. He will look into the details.
· Everyone displayed their horse pictures and we discussed the pictures based on the first two criteria that Peter developed as a guide for judging (composition and visual impact). Using the criteria is part of our ongoing discussion of how we will judge pictures it the future.

Judging of keywords:

Churches: Winners were Del Shilkret for the “Archway of Trinity College church” and Vern Wells for “Congregational church” in West Congamond. Both received the same number of votes.

· Bridges: The winner was Rob Fisher for the “Interior of the Sheffield Bridge”.

· Favorite: The winner was Vern Wells for “Sunrise”.

All winning photos will be posted on our Camera Club blog.

Keywords for next month: Wood, Red, Favorite.

Next month we will discuss two other judging criteria: Technicality and Originality.

We will also critique the Simsbury calendar pictures using the new judging criteria.

Next meeting is March 5 at 7:30 PM at the Granby Senior Center.

Sunday, February 04, 2007

$$$ Shoot in the Winter for Calendar Bucks $$$

This is the pond at Mary Edward's Property. The Simsbury Bank calendar needs shots for all months even the ones that freeze your fingers. Do it!