Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Spring is here!

Need proof? Here it is.

Sunday, March 25, 2007

Granby Police v. Harlem Rockets

Taken in HS gym today with Nikon D200 and 70-200 Nikkor VR lens. Shot with 1200 ISO and built-in flash.
The balcony is the place to take photos at the gym.

Saturday, March 24, 2007

Just bought Nikon Coolpix P5000

I tested my new Nikon (see photo) and was pleased with the color and clarity (10MP). I wanted a serious point-and-shoot in case I captured a good shot. Previously, I used a 6MP Canon P&S but was not satisfied with the color. The P5000 used the Nikon D80 color chip/software and produces the color I am used to.

While it does not replace the fun of shooting with a DSLR, try putting one in your pocket!

Working with a 10 MP P&S is a delight.

Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Alert! Costco Photo Paper

Costo photo paper, which I highly recommended at one of our meetings, has switched suppliers.

Formerly, the paper was made in Switzerland (125 sheets) and now it is made in the USA (150 sheets) - same price.

I did a quality check and found no difference between the Swiss and the US paper.

I tested the US paper on an Epson R1800 printer against know color pattern prints and found no difference.

Bottom line: 25 more sheets for the same price; I will continue to buy.

This quality control service brought to you by Granby Camera Club Research Department (GCCRD)
Peter Dinella, VP Quality Research GCC

Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Light rules!

Same scene; different day.

The light was better today, and you can see the difference compared to the previous day when the light was bluer/overcast.

Monday, March 12, 2007

Shoot panoramas-people ove them

This is at Mary Edwards Pond today. Seven images merged. Hand held using Nikon D100.

Scavenger Hunt Winners for March

Favorite(tie): Gary Melnysyn
Favorite(tie): Dick O'Donnell
Red: Rob Fisher

Wood: Gary Melnysyn

Spring is coming

And Winter is almost gone. Granby stream near McLean taken on Sunday.

Saturday, March 10, 2007

Granby Oak 100 years ago

I'm going to submit this photo along with others to the library regardless of their "No Granby Oak" position.

I think it would be interesting to have some historic photos on the card and tie in with the Salmon Brook Historical Society.

Friday, March 09, 2007


Rob opened the meeting and asked us to all to introduce ourselves with a comment about the type of photographs we like to take.

We have another new member who joined tonight. Welcome Nancy Canfield!

Treasurers report: $735.27 on hand
Dues collected: $10.00

Old Business:
1.We have adjusted our programs for the remaining months this year:
April 2: Critiquing with Peter
Using the Simsbury Calendar we will break up into groups and use our new Assessment Criteria to critique the pictures.
May 7: Macro Photography
Rick Matheny
June 4: Composition
Vern Wells
New Business:
1. Granby Library has asked the Club to submit photos to use for their new library cards. Bring up to three photos, 4x6 in size. Remember that the cards will be 3x4 or wallet size so take that into consideration as you chose a photo. The pictures should be a Granby picture and preferably not the Oak or Library( per Granby Library Board)!
2.The Kelly Lane Principal, Bob Gilbert called and asked if the Club would like to hang pictures in the entry area of the school. Paula will call him and get more information as to the security of the pictures, how many we hang, and how often we would need to change them. She will also go to Michaels and buy several 11x14 frames that could be used so we would only need to change the picture.
3. The Granby Chamber of Commerce has asked if the Club would contribute Granby pictures for their Web Page. Peter will follow up and get more information: how do we get our pictures to them and could we hyper-link the pictures back to our blog?
4. The Holcomb Farm has expressed an interest in pictures by the club. Paula will follow up.
5. Don’t forget: Our blog has links to member’s web pages.
6. Field Trips: no new ideas so keep thinking!
7. Gary suggested we check out: HawkWatch.com

Winners for February Scavenger Hunt are:
Wood: Gary Melnysyn
Red: Rob Fisher
Favorite: Gary Melnysyn amd Dick O’Donnell
All winning photos will be posted on our Camera Club blog. The winners and other entrees can be seen at the Granby Senior Center Community Room.

Scavenger Hunt Words for March: Frozen, Clouds, and Favorite.

Next meeting is April 2 at 7:30 PM at the Granby Senior Center.
Program: Critiquing with Peter
Using the Simsbury Calendar we will break up into groups and use our new Assessment Criteria to critique the pictures.

New! 10MP Nikon Coolpix P5000 Camera-$400

This is tempting for Nikon owners who want a point-and-shoot they can carry around without lugging a 10 lb. camera bag loaded with SLR stuff. It's 10 MP and has an ISO of 64 for those big enlargements. While it doesn't handle RAW, the JPG files are processed with the same engine that's in the Nikon D80 SLR.

Google it for more information.

I may get one and dump my Canon point-and-shoot.

Wednesday, March 07, 2007

Roadmap to Outstanding Photos

This model is tied in with our assessment form and basic photo concepts. The guidelines in and around the arrow are processes; the result is an outcome - Visual Impact.

Without Visual Impact you have nothing but a snapshot. That's the conclusion I came to after working on this model.

Comments and suggestions for improvement are welcome. Models are models not litany, so don't be shy.

Connecticut Flower Show - March 07

Here are some photos from the exhibit of winning flower displays:

Tuesday, March 06, 2007

Composition Website

Get ready for the GCC presentation on "composition" by reading about the subject at the following site: http://photoinfo.com It contains a Photo Composition Articles library.

The third article entitled "Guidelines for Better Photographic Images" is a good start.

Saturday, March 03, 2007

I gave it a perfect "Assessment" Score of 36 - Agree?

Here's how I (assessed/rated/critiqued/evaluated/) the attached photograph:





TOTAL POINTS - 36 (Perfect Score)

I wish this were my photograph. It's Mission San Xavier del Bac, Tucson, Arizona by Ansel Adams.

Friday, March 02, 2007

Microsoft Office Picture Manager

If you buy the new Microsoft Office Home and Student 2007 software, you also get MS Office Picture Manager with it . A pretty good package to get your digital photos in shape...simple...and pretty sophisticated/powerful. One caveat: it only works with JPEG files, but that's what most people shoot anyway. Very intuitve; quick learning curve.