Monday, April 30, 2007

Rob over Enders

Ignoring his imminent plunge into oblivion, Rob pauses to smile for the camera!

Saturday, April 28, 2007

Enders Falls

Enders Falls last weekend -

Monday, April 23, 2007

Bo, #493, and his buddies want out!

Local farm scene. The younger crowd is not satisfied behind bars.

Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Indoor Lighting

I've had some fun recently learning the art/science of indoor lighting. Using two umbrella flood lights and a bounce flash, I took this photo of my niece's son. One-year old skin is a real challenge and without soft lighting I would have never captured it. It's worth thinking about expanding your understanding of all light situations. Wendie Van Welie helped me to better understand the intricacies of this type of lighting.

Monday, April 16, 2007

Storm waters

This is a photo of the Crag at Siver Street and Rt 189 in North Granby on 4-16-07. Totally full.

Saturday, April 14, 2007

"Blazing a Trail"

In my last post I referred, erroneously, to the falls on Firetown Road as "White Blazes." More accurately, "blazes" are the marks on a tree to indicate a trail. Now, at least, I know the derivation of the expression "blazing a trail." My ignorance from the misfortunes of living in New Jersey for 62 years.

Monday, April 09, 2007

Idiot-Proof Directions to "White Blazes" - Firetown Road

I know these directions are idiot proof because I wrote them! After several failed attempts to find the falls, I finally did...with my ears.

Anyway, the falls (White Blazes) are exactly 2.0 miles after making the right turn onto Firetown Road off Simsbury Road. On the left there will be a sign reading "Eddy Loop Trail" - McLean Game Preserve. There are spaces for about 4-6 cars.

The falls are across the street (compass reading 240 degree SW). You'll hear them.
I took this photo with a polarizer, a split neutral density filter, using a 17mm. Nikkor lens. Bring boots.

Friday, April 06, 2007

Andrea's Photo - Mary Edwards Property

Mary Edwards Birch, Storm Sky

This is the photo that Peter refers to below. A nearly black storm sky to the north, and sun coming through the clouds to the south, lit the tree in a striking way against the dark sky. This kind of lighting can't be arranged. You just have to be willing to chase it when it happens, and have your camera ready.

Scavenger hunt winners from April 2

Clouds: Rob Fisher

Favorite: Paula Johnson

Frozen: Rob Fisher



Rob opened the meeting and asked us to all to introduce ourselves with a comment about camera equipment we wish to buy or sell.
We have another two new members who joined tonight. Welcome to Georgianna Kaleen and Tom Burbank

Treasurers report: Balance May 7, 2007 $681.80
$735.27 on hand (4/2/07)

Dues Collected:
Granby Resident: Georgianna Killeen (check) $10
Out of Town: Tom Burbank (cash) $15
Dues to Senior Center: $15
Frames( pd to Paula Johnson) $63.47

Total Cash: $760.27
Expenses: $78.47

Old Business:
1. Del received Pictures from club members to give to the Granby Library as they design a new card.
2. Rob will coordinate a picture display at the Granby Library. We can use the new frames and mats that were purchased.
3. Kelly Lane would also like a picture display. It was decided we would set that up after the Library display, using the same frames. How often we change the pictures is up to the club. Paula will coordinate. We plan to put up pictures before September.

New Business:
1. Rob will organize a field trip to the McLean and Enders Falls.
Using the new criteria for evaluation sheet that Peter designed we broke up into four groups. Each group was given a photo from the Simsbury Calendar and we judged it using the evaluation sheet. Each group reported its decision to the others and theere was lots of good conversation. It was an excellent way to really study a photo and we all felt it would help us as we take our shots. Thanks Peter for a job w ell done!

Winners for March Scavenger Hunt:
Clouds and Frozen: Rob Fisher
Favorite: Paula Johnson
All winning photos will be posted on our Camera Club blog. The winners and other entrees can be seen at the Granby Senior Center Community Room.

Scavenger Hunt Words for April: Falling, Flow, and Favorite.
Please note that it was decided to have the favorite pictures be at least 5x7 or larger. The other categories can be 4x6 and larger.

Our Next meetings are: 7:30 PM at the Granby Senior Center.
May 7: May 7: Macro Photography
Rick Matheny

June 4: Composition
Vern Wells

Tuesday, April 03, 2007

This is better...light again

This photo was processed in LAB mode and a standard watercolor filter applied, as provided by Photoshop CS2. Mary Edwards property, 4/3/07. Light-subject-background-conditions.

Andrea's Tree at Mary Edwards-My lens test

I tested my new 18-70 Nikon lens today on the the same tree Andrea photographed and showed us yesterday. While I'm pleased with the results the lens provided, the photo can't come close to Andrea's . Her composition with that sky shows how important light is to the overall visual impact of a photograph, among other things.