Rob opened the meeting and asked us to all to introduce ourselves with a comment about what we most like to photograph. A new visitor was Chris Larsen.
Treasurers report: Balance June 5, 2007 $681.80
Old Business:
1. Granby Library Card Pictures
It was noted that Peter Dinella has submitted a picture and the Library board and Joan Fox have not chosen the picture they will use for the new card.
2. Library Photography Exhibit
The exhibit is in place and will remain for the month of June so make sure you all stop in to see it. Job well done!
3. Kelly Lane Photography Exhibit
The pictures are hung and can stay until we decide to replace them.
4. Simsbury Calendar
Don’t forget to be taking pictures for next years calendar. The guide lines for submissions will be posted on the blog. The photos need to be ready early September.
New Business:
1. A program committee was formed to plan next year’s programs. Dick, Nancy, Tom, and Rob agreed to serve! Please do some brain- storming and let them know what you would like!!!!!!!
2.Field Trip Planned
Kayaking at the Tariffville Gorge field trip has been planned. Those interested in joining this trip meet at the Granby Senior Center on Wednesday, June 13 at 5:15 pm to car pool. Bring insect repellent and your camera gear!
3.If anyone is interested in a field trip to Stanley Park email Rob to coordinate a time etc.
4. We will plan a social for the fall.
Vern gave an excellent presentation on Composition using his study guide and slides to demonstrate the principles for improving the composition of our photographs! Thanks Vern!!!!!!
Winners for May Scavenger Hunt:
Flowers and Weathervane: Del
Favorite: Rob Fisher
All winning photos will be posted on our Camera Club blog. The winners and other entrees can be seen at the Granby Senior Center Community Room.
Scavenger Hunt Words for Summer: Performance, Summer and Favorite.
Please note that it was decided to have the favorite pictures be at least 5x7 or larger. The other categories can be 4x6 and larger.
Our Next meeting: Monday, September 10 at 7:30 PM at the Granby Senior Center. Program to be announced.