Sunday, February 10, 2008

Ski Jump photos from today

Dick, Harry, and I went to the Salisbury Ski Jump and here are a couple of shots that I got. I have others that I will share with the club at a later date.

Saturday, February 09, 2008

MEETING NOTES: February 4, 2008

Rob Fisher opened the meeting, welcomed our guests and asked us to introduce ourselves. He asked us for ideas for the club’s continued success!
Some ideas were: put together a new member packet, idea box for topics to discuss, more critiquing especially the winning picture or pictures in our scavenger hunt, more demonstration” how to” programs for our meeting program, more trips to get us out shooting together.
Treasurer’s Report: Balance $371.86
Received dues: $15
Old Business:
1. The Simsbury Bank Calendar
Start taking pictures for next year’s entries!
2. Programs Planned
March 3: The Process of Taking a Picture
Tom Burbank
Tom gave us some questions to think about:
We will be talking about how we make a picture not just a photograph. With this in mind how do you take a picture, what do you photograph, where are you most comfortable, and how do you approach your subject.
April 7: Critiquing Photographs with Peter Dinella
3. Field Trips
Ideas for January/ February
Ski Sundown: Wild West on Sunday Feb. 10 at 11 am
Ski Jumping in Salsbury: Dick will get information to all via email
Sunday Feb. 10: 9:30 am is practice and 11am the races begin.
Eagle Trip: Gary has us planned to go on Saturday, Feb.23 on the
1 pm trip. We will car pool from the Senior Center. If you have not already done so, please let Gary know if you are going and he will let us know what time to meet.
Ice Cliffs in Colebrook: Rob will let you know when a group might go

Innisfree Gardens: In June, we will plan a trip to.
4. Kelly Lane School Picture Exhibit
It is time to change pictures. Harry, Frank, Gary, Dick, Vern, Nancy will drop off an 8x10 winter photo at the Senior Center for Paula.

New Business
1. Welcome Packet
Ideas to be included: our goals, history, fees, day, time and place of meetings, scavenger hunt information, critiquing criteria, activities and programs.
2. Program Ideas
Painting with Light
3. Contests
Rob will email the link to Robert Floyd’s photo contest for women.

Program for The Evening
Gary shared tips to use when taking wild life pictures. His pictures to illustrate his points were truly inspiring! Remember every picture tells a story. Some ideas he shared with us are;
Start with great shots
Don’t let rule of thirds stifle your animal photography
Don’t forget to look behind you
Keep subject’s eyes focused and clear
Ask where to find your subject and do research
Try to capture animal behavior
Learn about and study your subject before going off to shoot
Be patient
Snap plenty of photos to compensate for random animal movements
Blur action shots
Don’t shy from photographing captive animals
Enjoy your photography

Thank you Gary!!!! Your pictures are inspiring and your reminders will help us as we all get out to take wildlife pictures!

Scavenger Hunt Words for February: Favorite Picture, Bird, Romance
Please note that it was decided to have the favorite pictures be at least 5x7 or larger. The other categories can be 4x6 and larger. Remember these are pictures you have taken this last month!

Winners for December Scavenger Hunt:
Remember to email Rob your files so they can be put up on the blog!
All winning photos will be posted on our Camera Club blog. The winners and other entrees can be seen at the Granby Senior Center Community Room.
Favorite: Vern
Ice: Andy, Vern
Solitude: Rob

Our Next meeting:
Monday, March 3, 2008 at 7:00 PM at The Granby Senior Center

Thursday, February 07, 2008

February's Scavenger Hunt Winners

Ice (tie) by: Andy Farber

Solitude by: Rob Fisher

Favorite by: Vern Wells

Ice (tie) by: Vern Wells

Ice (tie) by: Vern Wells

Saturday, February 02, 2008

From color to B&W to color

With Photoshop you can convert a color image to B&W, and then "paint in, or reveal, the existing color only in the areas you want. In this case, I wanted to show only the boy's blue/grey hat and his blue/grey eyes. I also blurred the entire inage and "painted in" only the important areas.