MEETING NOTES FOR September 2008
Rob Fisher opened the meeting and welcomed our guests. We introduced ourselves and shared our wishes for the club this year. Ideas expressed are as follows: more field trips, learn more about our cameras, more experimentation, do more camera work such as workshops, expanded use of the digital projector, better communication, and more creative photography.
Treasurer’s Report: Balance $381.86
$20 was collected for dues from Paula and new member Jim Devoe.
Old Business:
1. New Members Information Packet
Ideas to be included: our goals, history, fees, day, time and place of meetings, scavenger hunt information, critiquing criteria, activities and programs. Rob, Harry and Tracy will be working on this over the summer. This is still being worked on and it was suggested to put some instructions as to how to get onto the forum.
2.Simsbury Bank Calendar
The entries are due of September. The rules will be posted on the forum. There will be a box to put your entryies in at the Senior Center in the front office.
3.Holcomb Farm Contest
You can check out the Holcomb Farm Web site for details. or
www.holcombphoto.orgThe theme this year is Products of Agriculture.
This has been added by your secretary as we did not think of it during the meeting!
4. Camera Club for Juniors
Member’s children only, ages 8-15. Check the forum for more information.
They will meet the third Wednesday after our meeting at 6 o’clock, the place to be announced later.
5. Forum
Over the summer the forum was largely unused. After lengthy discussion it was decided it is a great tool for better communication and we need to encourage its use. All field trips will be coordinated there so make sure you check it out. Also ideas for programs and work- shops should be expressed there. I have started a topic for programs. Please check it out and remember this is your club so give us some input!
New Business
1. Election of Officers
Rob will follow up our recommendation for a president. At this point Paula will be secretary with Harry filling in when she is away. Next meeting
we will continue the slate.
2. Scavenger Hunt Words for Sept: Favorite Picture, Change of Seasons, Pumpkins
Please note that it was decided to have the favorite pictures be at least 5x7 or larger. The other categories can be 4x6 and larger. It was decided that we would enter one picture for favorite and if you wish several for the other two words. Remember these are pictures you have taken this last month!( during the summer) In October, Vern will bring his words for the next monthly scavenger hunt
2. Winners of this month’s scavenger hunt
Traffic: Paula
Sunset: Rob
Favorite: Rob
3.Program Committee
They are still looking for input for ideas. Please check out the forum and give us your ideas.
4.Next months’ Program: The ABC’s of Photography
Presented by: Dick, Rob, and Vern
5. Field Trips
Keep your eyes out on the forum for dates, times etc. Please add your ideas. The arrangements will be done on the forum!!!
6. Individual Project
The club has been given some old cameras. Bob will do some research to see if we can sell it to a camera collector.
Program for the Evening: Camera Club on Parade
Rob put together a presentation of all the scavenger hunt winners from last year. Thanks Rob!! It was enjoyed by all.
Our Next meeting:
Monday, October 6, 2008 at 7:00 PM at The Granby Senior Center
Program: ABC’s of Photography