Sunday, December 07, 2008

MEETING NOTES FOR December 1, 2008

President Andy Farber opened the meeting and asked us to introduce ourselves and to tell what we had been taking pictures of this last month.
Treasurer’s Report: Balance $485.49
Add the $300 from the bank and we have: $785.49

Old Business:
1. Holiday Party. It was suggested holding it during January when every ones schedules are less filled. The date will be Saturday, January 17,2009 to be held at
Paula and Whitey Johnson’s house. At the next meeting we will plan the details.
3.Simsbury Bank Calendar
The representative from the Simsbury Bank came to the meeting and announced that Rob Fisher had two pictures chosen for the calendar and Peter Dinella had one. Congratulations!!!! The club was given a check for $300. Start thinking of taking pictures now for next years calendar!!!!!
4. Junior Camera Club
Member’s children only, ages 8-15. Check the forum for more information.
5. Kelly Lane Photo Exhibit
The new exhibit with fall pictures is now up. A volunteer was requested to take on this project. Vern has volunteered. Thanks so much!!!!
6. June Library Exhibit
Del will post information on the forum
7. Meeting Sign
Rob brought in the new Camera Club A-frame sign to use on the town green.
All were very pleased with its design and it was decided it would be put out
8.Old Camera Equipment
Bob Simmons reported he had no luck finding interested buyers for the used equipment. It was suggested he post it on E-bay. Rob offered assistance.
9.The process for submitting our scavenger hunt winners to the Granby Drummer was discussed. We need to get our winning pictures to Rob and he will post them on the Blog. Andrea will take them from there and use them when space is available in the Drummer.
New Business
Program Ideas: These have been offered as ideas for future programs. If you have any to add to the list please bring your ideas to the meetings. It will make next year’s program committee’s work so much easier!!!!!

Make one of the GCC exhibits feature "Scenes of Granby."
It will provide photos that people can relate to, educate them about the beauty of Granby, and maybe get more members as a result.
. Have a Portrait Competition
Portraits really pull on your photographic talents and eliminate the emotional pull of kids and puppies No kids (under 18) or animals/pets allowed. It has to be a portrait of anyone and not be a cropped image of a larger scene.
Get Wendy Van Welie to judge them. In fact get Wendy to introduce the competition with a lecture on taking portraits.
Assign a member to do a research project once a month on a particular aspect of photography and give a report. The report would be in depth
with no "off-the-top-of-the-head" approach. Almost like a project report or budget request one does in business. Use the LCD projector. With the use of the Internet, resources are no problem.
This would put people in more that a superficial learning mode. Stretching them can help them grow beyond the snap-shot phase.
Processing Raw Format
Using the Camera Histogram

Program for the Evening: Winter Photography
Harry Fischer gave a very informative and encouraging talk about the challenges, opportunities and fun of winter photography. First it is important to dress for the weather with layers, have safe boots and special gloves for using your camera. Second, your camera has special needs in cold weather. Take extra batteries and use a zip lock bag to cover your camera and lens from the elements. Also remember to use a zip lock bag to help your camera warm up slowly after being out in the cold. Third is the challenge of getting the correct exposure for snow. Your camera meters snow as gray. You can use a gray card to meter from or use you ev button. Remember you need to let in more light. Winter lighting is just like summer…early morning and late afternoon gives the best light but try it anytime and just have fun!
Scavenger Hunt
Winners of this month’s scavenger hunt
Balance: Del, Face: Rob and Favorite: Vern
Next months words : Gathering, Picture for a Greeting Card, and Favorite Photo
Paula will pick next months scavenger hunt words
Next meeting: Monday, January 5 at 7:00 PM at The Granby Senior Center
Program: Action Photography Presenter: Dick O'Donnell

Tuesday, December 02, 2008

Dec. 1st Scavenger hunt winners

Face by: Rob Fisher

Balance by: Del Shilkret

Favorite by: Vern Wells