Thursday, November 10, 2005

Meeting Notes: November 7,2005

Granby Camera Club
Meeting Notes: November 7,2005

Treasurer’s Report:

Total as November 7,2005 $266.15
Money Received at Meeting: Dues: Aline Raphael: $10

We welcomed Rob’s neighbor, Tom MacElroy to our meeting. He enjoyed the scavanger hunt and we hope he will become a regular participant!

Old Business:

- Programs for 2005-2006 were handed out. It was noted that there are several programs that need a speaker. Rob Fisher will take on the June program on photographing fireworks. The only speaker we need is for the March program on weather photography. Any volunteers out there!!!!!!

- Two thank you notes were received. Shirley Murtha,the winner of our sponsored award in the Holcomb Farm Art Contest and Mary Alice Stielau , from the arts committee, wrote to thank the Camera Club for sponsoring the award.

New Business:

- Rob Fisher updated us on the options available for a Camera Club web site. He has designed a blog site for our club and has assigned a free web site for the Camera Club through Cox. I will ask him to send us a fuller explanation, web links and how we should use this to keep our selves informed as to the activities of our club. Thanks Rob for your leg work…I think this is really a wonderful addition to our club’s ability to communicate and generate interest from others.

- Key Words for November’s Scavenger Hunt:

Warm, Splash, Odd, Reflect, Soft

- Field Trip for November:
Beaver Lodge in Pleasant Valley. The date and time is still to be decided. Rob will lead us there and we will communicate on our blog site as to what dates and times work for most of us. He feels we should to go early on a Sat or Sun to catch the beavers at their best!

Program for the Evening: October Scavenger Hunt

Great picturing taking!!!!! Rob, Paula, Kathy, Mary, Rick, Dick and our visitor Tom had many creative and interesting pictures to choose from. The pictures that received votes will be on display on the Senior Center Bulletin board until next month’s meeting. We look forward to Harry bringing in his next month!!!!!!! Rob will put the winners up on our Blog so do check it out! Paula will send in an article to the Drummer with the pictures.
Winners for the topics were: Group and Color: Rob & Numbers, Fruit, Sport: Paula

Next Meeting
Monday, December 5, 2005 at 7:30 pm at the Granby Senior Center. Bring a friend!!!!

- Program: Judging Pictures of Action Photography. Also having fun with the results of our November Scavenger Hunt.

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