Friday, April 07, 2006

Meeting Notes: April 3, 2006

Treasurer's Report: April $572.76
Granby Camera Club

Old Business:
* working on glossary of terms for digital users
* reminder to take pictures now for Simsbury Bank calendar

New Business:

* Rick & Peter will prepare a work shop on buying and selling camera equipment on e-bay for fall meeting.

* At the meeting Rob, Dick, Rick and Kathy volunteered for program committee for next year. any suggestions please e-mail them.

* Discussed on how to get the word out by advertising at the high school. Rob to put together a flyer to be approved before sending.

* Field Trip: looking into a visit to Wendy van Welie studio this month.

*Next month's meeting: Monday, May 1 at 7:30 pm at the Granby Senior Center
Program: Judging Weather Pictures
photos from past 6 months
5x7 or 8x10

criteria to consider when judging pictures:

A What is the pictures appeal? Does it, or part of it capture your interest?

B Does the picture have good composition? Is there a sense of unity and harmony?

C Is the picture sharp, or was the intent to create a soft slightly blurred effect?

D. Would you consider the picture to be a "WOW"?

E. do you have any questions for the photographer?

F. Any other comments.

May Scavenger Hunt Words :

- Flow
- New
- Rain
- Sky
- Sprout
- Favorite

photos should be 4x6 or 5x7 and taken that month prior to next meeting.

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