Saturday, January 12, 2008

January 7, 2008 Meeting Minutes

We held our meeting at Indigo Images, Wendy Van Welie’s studio. Rob opened the meeting, welcomed our guests and asked us to introduce ourselves. He asked us to share any photography related Xmas gifts.
Treasurer’s Report: Balance Jan.7, 2008 $1,075
Old Business:
1. The Simsbury Bank Calendar
The calendars are here and Rob has a supply to hand out. Start taking pictures for next year’s entries!
2. Projector
Now that our treasury has grown it was agreed to look into buying a projector for viewing images. Dick reported that the best price was a Dell and next a Cannon. Members are going to google to check out reviews. A good site to check out electronics There is still some indecision as to which model we should buy. Rob and the officers will continue to take information and come to a decision.
3. Club Social
The party will be at Paula’s home on Jan. 19 Those at the meeting signed up to bring either an appetizer, salad or dessert, as well to their preference to drinks. I will send out an email invitation to reach those that were not there or who forgot to sign up!
4. Programs Planned
Feb.4: The Process of Taking a Picture - Tom Burbank
March 3: Photographing Wildlife - Gary Melnsyn
April 7: Critiquing Photographs
5. Field Trips
Ideas for January/ Ferbruary
Ski Sundown: Georgianna will check out their opportunities.
Ski Jumping in Salsbury: Dick will get information.
Eagle Trip: Gary will get information.
All of these seem to be Feb. dates. As information is available you will receive email updates!
In June, we will plan a trip to Innisfree Gardens.

Discussion: Peter brought up three questions for discuss: Why do people take pictures? Why do we store so many photographs? And why is there a different perception between art and photography?

Program for The Evening
Wendy Van Welie shared her passion for photography, emphasizing that we shoot, shoot, and shoot some more! Always have your camera with you so you don’t miss that special opportunity. She also felt we should print more pictures as with digital it is so easy to just store your pictures and as technology changes you will not resave and lose those pictures. We had a tour of her studio and learned about her photographic interests and talents. Many thanks to Wendy for such an enjoyable, interesting and informative evening.

Scavenger Hunt Words for January:Favorite Picture, Solitude, Ice
Please note that it was decided to have the favorite pictures be at least 5x7 or larger. The other categories can be 4x6 and larger. Remember these are pictures you have taken this last month!

Winners for December Scavenger Hunt:
Remember to email Rob your files so they can be put up on the blog!
All winning photos will be posted on our Camera Club blog. The winners and other entrees can be seen at the Granby Senior Center Community Room.

Frost: Andrea
Favorite: Dick

Our Next meeting:
Monday, February 4, 2008 at 7:00 PM at The Granby Senior Center

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