Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Minutes from March 3rd meeting

Meeting Notes for March 3, 2008

Rob Fisher opened the meeting with a welcome to new attendees. Everyone introduced themselves by giving their thoughts on the new on-line forum.

Treasurer's Report: $376.86 as of February 6.
No dues were collected.

Programs Planned: Next month Peter will take us through the process of judging pictures. He suggested reviewing the Simsbury Calendar pictures before the meeting, as we will be critiquing those pictures.

Field Trips: Future Field trips were discussed. The Auto Show in New York City was suggested. Dates are from March 21 through March 30. For directions or more information, contact Dick O'Donnell.

Welcome Letter: A draft of a welcome letter for new members was presented to Rob. The draft will be reviewed by Harry, Rob and Tracy sometime during March and discussed with the members at the next meeting.

Class on Photoshop: Stu Weatherbee is conducting classes on Photoshop CS3 in South Hampton Mass. If you are interested, contact Rob for information.

Scavenger Hunt words for March: Wind, Delicate, Favorite.

A question was posed about posting more than one picture from the Scavenger Hunt on the Forum. This item is being discussed on the club Forum. The results will be discussed at the next meeting.

Evening Program: A program entitled "The Process of Taking a Picture" was presented by Tom Burbank. Tom provided a short history of photography and the types of equipment used. Over time, the film and cameras became smaller and smaller. Leica had a big influence on film cameras and now digital.

Tom discussed different things we should do before snapping the shutter. When looking at the subject, ask yourself some questions: What are you trying to say? Move around. What is the best angle? Fill the frame and look around the view finder to be sure you have only the items in the picture you want. Tom showed us some photo examples of applying the above criteria when taking a picture. He also discussed using Photoshop to clean up the picture.

Tom then went around the room and asked everyone to explain how they approach the process of making a photograph into a picture.

Paula said (in abstention) that when taking action shot, to pre-focus and then use burst mode. Hopefully getting one picture.

Thanks for a great presentation Tom!!!

Discussion on the Forum: Rob then made a presentation on how to log into the Forum, how to register yourself, posting items in the many categories and include pictures. Everyone is encouraged to register and begin using the Forum for discussing any issue of interest to you.

Scavenger Hunt: The winners of the Scavenger Hunt were:

Bird - Rob Fisher
Romance- Nancy Canfield
Favorite - A tie. Paula Johnson and Rob Fisher

After the Scavenger Hunt, the meeting was adjourned.
The next meeting is Monday April 7, at 7:00 P.M. at the Granb

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