Monday, October 27, 2008

Meeting notes October 6, 2008


Rob Fisher opened the meeting by asking everyone to introduce themselves and tell the group about their photo opportunities the previous month.

Rob also expressed a desire for all of us to help make the meetings shorter by keeping to the subject at hand.

TREASURERS REPORT: Balance $391.86.


1. New officers for the coming year . Andy Farber will be president. Nancy Canfield
will be vice president.
2. Kelly Lane School: We will change the exhibit to autumn colors. The new exhibit
will be set up at the school in November. There will be a place on the forum to
provide information to members who want to submit photos. You can place a small
photo on the forum site or bring an 8x10 photo to the November meeting, or earlier if
Paula suggests an earlier date. Keep checking the forum for details.
3. DUES: All members will need to pay dues for the coming year. Dues are $10.00 for
Granby residents and $15.00 for non-residents.
4. Junior Camera Club: The Junior Camera Club meets the third Wednesday after our
regular club meeting. The club is for ages 8 – 15, and dues are $5.00. All Granby
Camera Club members are welcome to attend the Junior Camera Club meetings.


1. Pictures for Judging: Send your pictures for judging for the months of November,
March and June, to Rob via email. Rob will present the pictures for judging using the
camera club projector.
2. The Forum: Paula Johnson and Nancy Canfield have achieved DSLR status for
posting at least 50 times on the forum. Next level is 100 posts.
3. Advertising on the Green: We will use the Granby Green to advertise for new
members. Rob will create a sign and make a stand and place it on the Green.
4. New Business Cards: Rob will work on a design for revising our business cards and
present it at the November meeting.
5. 20x30 pictures: Rob Floyd of South Hampton, Mass. Can produce large 20x30 prints
and display them for us.
6. 3rd annual library exhibit: We will ask the library to book the month of June 2009
for out third annual display. Theme and other details will be discussed on the forum.

Field Trips: Field trips for the month of October will be discussed on the forum.

Critiquing Pictures: Rob had three pictures sent to him for discussion. Bob Simmons submitted “A boy in revolutionary war costume”. Vern had pictures of “Cape Cod” and “Sea and Clouds” and Rob discussed a picture he had taken of a unique building in Milwaukee. Members joined in discussing each picture.

Program for the evening: Rob, Vern and Dick O’Donnell explained the A,B,C’s of photography. Each discussed the various ways of using aperture and exposure settings, depth of field, When to use the various ISO speeds, sports photography and manual settings. Rob then went over a few pictures to demonstrate the results of using the different settings. A very informative presentation.

Winners of Scavenger Hunt:
Pumpkin: Nancy Canfield
Changing Seasons: Rob Fisher
Favorite: Cara Meyers

Scavenger Hunt Words for November: Tree, Texture and Favorite Picture

Next Meeting: Monday November 3, 2008 at 7:00 PM in the Granby Senior Center.
The program will be: Judging Pictures.

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