Sunday, April 12, 2009

April 6, 2009 - Meeting minutes


President Andy Farber opened the meeting and asked us to introduce ourselves and to tell what we had been taking pictures of this last month.
Treasurer’s Report: Balance: $914.55
Old Business
1. There has been interest in a field trip to the NE Whitewater Championships at Tariffville Gorge. The dates are April 25 and 26. Information can be found on the web site: .Check out our forum for car pooling options!
2. Vern collected the pictures for the Kelly Lane Exhibit.
3. Del will be accepting framed 5X7 pictures at the May meeting for the Granby Library Exhibit. These will be up for the month of June and spend the summer exhibited at the Senior Center. Check the forum for more information.
New Business
1. Some new ideas for field trips: Lyme Rock and a Car Exhibit in New York were mentioned. The forum is the place to offer ideas!!!!

Program for the Evening:
Chief Dave Watkins spoke to us about the role of photography in crime investigation. It was very interesting to learn how important photography is and how digital cameras have been integrated into the process. Our many thanks to the Chief for spending such an informative evening with us.

Scavenger Hunt: Winners of this month’s scavenger hunt
Rob won for Red and Lines.
The favorite was taken by either Andy or his son!
Next months word’s: Arch, Spring, and Favorite Photo

Next meeting: May 6, 2009 at the Granby Senior Center at 7 PM
Program: Dick O’Donnell will cover: Special Lighting Techniques

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