Monday, June 08, 2009


President Andy Farber opened the meeting and asked us to introduce ourselves and to provide ideas for programs for next year. Ideas are listed below that the program committee can use to plan programs for next year.
Program Ideas
1. Using the printer/ the process of printing.
2. How to take a sharp photo: Vern to present.
3. How to take better action shots.
4. Raw Format
5. Black and White photography in digital photography
6. How to prepare a video program
7. Editing photos using Adobe/Elements
8. Using flash, filters
9. DVD on historic photographers/Tom has these available
10. Using your histogram
11. Making digital Albums
12. HDR: Rob to present.
13. Portrait competition/ ask Wendi to get us started!
14. Photographing the Heavens: ask Scott Tracy to present
15. Photo Essays
16. Program/Introduction to our new Web Page: Rob
17. Other Suggestion: more field trips, more exhibits.
18. Scavenger Hunt: Tracy has a new thought to get more people involved that includes a point system and drawing at the end of the year.
19. Critiquing with Rob

Treasurer’s Report: Balance: $934.55
Old Business
1. Simsbury Calendar
Pictures need to be ready late September so start or keep on taking pictures. The rules are posted on the Forum.

New Business
1. Snow Policy: We do not meet if the Senior Center is closed for programs. We meet the next Monday.
2. Dues: It was voted to raise our dues for next year: It will be $15 for Granby residents and $20 for non Granby memberships.
3. Granby Camera Club Web Site: It was voted to have Rob develop a web site for the club using Host Rob will get two domains: The main one will be Granby Camera and the second not to use but hold will be Granby Paula offered to use her credit card and Rob will work out the best options for the club. This web site will be one place to go for a forum, a blog, having individual sites for sharing pictures and comments and lots of other interesting options.

Program for the Evening:
Rob presented a very informative program using member photos to critique. It was
interesting to see the different options one can use when taking and editing a picture. He used a bridge program from Adobe CS to open jpegs into the raw format editing page and was able to pull out the best in each picture. Thanks Rob for a very interactive and interesting program.
Scavenger Hunt: Winners of this month’s scavenger hunt
Patriotic: Gene Suponski
Spray: Gene
Favorite: Ed Judge

Summer scavenger words: Door, Edgy and Favorite Photo
At the Sept. meeting Gene will have the words for the next scavenger hunt.

Next meeting: Sept. 14, 2009 at the Granby Senior Center at 7 PM
Program to be announced

Have a happy photography filled summer!!!

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