Monday, September 17, 2007

September 2007 meeting minutes

Rob opened the meeting and asked each member to introduce themselves and to give their thoughts about what they want to gain from this years meetings.

Treasurers report: Balance Sept 10, 2007 $ 619.59

Old Business:
1. The Camera Club exhibit at the Library in June was a great success. After it was taken down the pictures were hung in the community room at the Senior Center. They will stay there until our next meeting in Oct. All decided they would like to do the same next year in June. Del will pass on the information to Joan Fox at the Library.
Congratulation to Peter Dinella, whose picture was chosen for the new library card.
2. The pictures that are hung at Kelly Lane School will stay until Nov. At that time we will put up pictures we have taken of the fall foliage.
3. Three photo contest opportunities:
Simsbury Bank Calendar: Rob will email the rules. Your CD with your pictures and 4x6 prints need to be left at the Senior Center by the end of Sept.
Holcomb Farm Contest: Paula will email the rules.
Granby Land Trust Art Show: Check out their web page for information
4. Club Social will be held at Paula's house with a Nov. date to be firmed up at the next meeting.
5. The Granby Grill is still looking for some pictures for their walls as they get ready for opening. Peter suggested using some of the old historic pictures that have been scanned from the Historical Society files. If you have Granby pictures that you would like to share put small jpeg files on a cd and contact Rob.
6. There seems to be a lot of interest in learning about Photo Shop. We will continue the discussion as to how we manage this. One option would be to use the Drummer computers when available. The Senior Center lab has an older version of Elements that the club bought. It might also be possible to have someone come in and teach an introduction using a computer and screen.

New Business:
1. Elections of Officers
President: Rob Fisher
Vic-President: Harry Fischer
Secretary: Paula Johnson
Treasurer: Del Shilkret
2.Dues: $10 for Granby residents and $15 for non Granby residents.
Dues were collected and 07-08 stickers added to our Senior Center Cards.
3.Meeting time has been changed to 7pm.
4. Rob's email survey concerning our wishes for programs for this year.
There were four responses who said they like the scavenger hunt and want more critiquing and field trips. Please share with Rob any ideas for field trips.
5. Scavenger Hunt: Words will be coordinated by Vern and Maddie.

6.Program ideas for the year were discussed.
Oct.: How your Camera Catches Light
Nov.: Digital Talk
Other ideas; Wendy Van Welie, Matting, Making $ with Photography,
Introduction to Photoshop Workshop. Please share your ideas
and help our program committee!
7. Field Trips: Please share with Rob any ideas for field t rips.

Program: Our program centered around our scavenger hunt using Peter’s assessment criteria.
Winners for Summer Scavenger Hunt: Favorite: Rob's two pictures
Performance: Paula, and Summer: Rob
All winning photos will be posted on our Camera Club blog. The winners and other entrees can be seen at the Granby Senior Center Community Room.

Scavenger Hunt Words for September
Favorite Picture, Fence, Distortion
Please note that it was decided to have the favorite pictures be at least 5x7 or larger. The other categories can be 4x6 and larger.

Our Next meeting:
Monday, October 1 at 7:00 PM at the Granby Senior Center. Program: How Your Camera Catches Light

Friday, September 14, 2007

September scavenger hunt winners

Favorite (tie): by Rob Fisher

Performance : by Paula Johnson

Favorite (tie): by Rob Fisher

Summer : by Rob Fisher

Tuesday, September 04, 2007

Selling your old film cameras, etc.

I recently had a very good experience selling ALL my old film equipment, lenses, strobe, and a D100 Nikon digital camera. I got a good price. The New York oufits I called didn't even want to discuss buying my stuff.

I got this organization thru the Nikonian web site.

It's: for an online quote.

(866)735-5444 x27