Saturday, January 13, 2007

minutes from January 2007 meeting

Granby Camera Club
Meeting Notes: January 8, 2007
Next Meeting: February 5, 2007
Program: Introductions: Macro Photography: Equipment and Techniques
Presented by: Rick Matheny

Rob welcomed our visitors and we all introduced ourselves.

Treasurer’s Report: $420.27 on hand
Dues collected: $10
Simsbury Bank Award: $300

Old Business:
1.Simsbury Bank Calendar: Congratulation to Rob and Peter! Rob had one and Peter two pictures chosen for the calendar. A representative of the bank came to our meeting and presented a check for $300 and discussed and answered questions about the calendar.
2.Aline asked for photographs for displaying in the community room. They need to be matted and framed with a wire backing for hanging. Please bring them to the next meeting. For January, Peter will put up some framed old prints from his work at the Salmon Brook Historical Society. For February and March please bring a framed photograph to display.
3. Paula handed out Senior Center Cards for the members that have had their pictures taken. More were taken at the end of meeting.

4. Evaluating Photos:
After discussing the various levels of evaluating photos, it became evident that most of the members want to use judging (evaluating) as a tool for learning how to improve our talents as photographers.
We will be using the Evaluation Criteria developed by Peter. Evaluation Criteria are as follows: visual impact, technical quality, composition, and creativity/originality. Attached to these notes will be the form for Assessment Criteria and Scoring. The Scavenger Hunt will be down sized to two words and the favorite photo. The winners of each will be put through the evaluation process. So that we all understand the process, next month only composition and visual impact will be evaluated for the three winning pictures. In March we use technical quality and creativity/originality.

New Business:
1. We are changing the program for March to Evaluating the Simsbury Bank Calendar.
2. Field Trip: It was decided that we would attend a basket ball game to take photos. Rob will check out a date and email and post it on the blog.
3 Scavenger Hunt for January: Bridge, Church, Favorite Photo
Also your Horse Pictures from last month
4. We will check with the town to see how we can get a link to our blog on the town web page.

Program for the Evening
Dick O’Donnell presented an informative discussion about Photo Workshops, Tours, and Classes. He also had helpful tips for planning and attending these workshops. Thanks Dick!!!!!

Next Meeting: February 5, 2007
Program: Macro Photography: Equipment and Techniques:
Presented by: Rick Matheny

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