Sunday, May 13, 2007



Rob opened the meeting and asked us to all to introduce ourselves with a comment about any photographic web sites we like., Goggle, Our blog,,,,

Treasurers report: Balance May 7, 2007 $681.80

Old Business:
1. Granby Library Card Pictures
Joan Fox would like some more pictures to choose from. Remember that the library information will be printed over the picture. Please leave your 4x6 pictures at the Library for Joan.
2. Library Photography Exhibit
Each club member is asked to bring in:
2 photos 5x7 matted in black frames
1 photo 8x10 matted in black frames
If you wish you may also bring in 4x6 matted in a black frame.
The pictures need to be brought to the Senior Center Office by Wednesday, May23. If you have any questions email Rob!
3. Kelly Lane Photography Exhibit
We will hang six 8x10 photos at Kelly Lane. It was decided we would have nature/animal theme. Maddie, Dick, and Del will leave their unframed pictures at the Senior Center for Paula to pick up by Wednesday May 23. Rob and Paula will also have pictures and Gary will be asked also.
4. Simsbury Calendar
The Bank asked if we were willing to resubmit our pictures from last year. Those of us that participated in the contest agreed to this suggestion.
Don’t forget to be taking pictures for next years calendar.

New Business:
1. It was recommended and voted that we donate $50 to Fidelco Guide Dogs in Gretchen Orr’s memory.
2. A program committee was formed to plan next year’s programs. Dick, Nancy, Tom, and Rob agreed to serve! Please do some brain- storming and let them know what you would like!!!!!!!
3.Field Trips
A trip to Stanley Park in Westfield was discussed. Email Rob if you are interested and give him some ideas as to day and time.
Harry and Andrea will get more information about the Kayaking at the Tariffville Gorge, so a field trip can be planned.

Rick Matheny gave a most informative talk on Macro Photography.
Some of the highlights:
Informative book on macro photography: Close Up in Nature by John Shaw
Equipment needed:
Study tripod and Camera
Lens with a macro setting. Rick recommends 100-200 focal length.
Focusing Rail
Flash and flash bracket that can be positioned as needed
Optional equipment
Close up lens
Extension tubes
Biggest Challenges
What should be in focus (focal point)
Light: always add one stop, use fill flash
Movement: use a shutter release cable or self-timer

Winners for April Scavenger Hunt:
Flow: (TIE) Nancy Canfield & Rob Fisher
Falling: Nancy Canfield
Favorite: Rob Fisher
All winning photos will be posted on our Camera Club blog. The winners and other entrees can be seen at the Granby Senior Center Community Room.

Scavenger Hunt Words for May: Flower, Weather Vanes, and Favorite.
Please note that it was decided to have the favorite pictures be at least 5x7 or larger. The other categories can be 4x6 and larger.

Our Next meeting : 7:30 PM at the Granby Senior Center.

Programs: June 4: Composition - Vern Wells
Vern prepared a very comprehensive study guide for the program. If you did not get one let me know and we can leave some at the Senior Center Office for you.

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