Friday, October 05, 2007


Rob opened the meeting and asked each member to introduce themselves and share which shooting modes( Auto,P,A,S,M) they use.
Treasurer’s report: Balance Oct. 1,2007 $699.59

Old Business:
1. The pictures that are hung at Kelly Lane School will stay until Nov. At that time we will put up pictures we have taken of the fall colors. They should be 8x10 unmatted pictures of fall colors. We can put up six pictures so please let Paula know if you would like yours in the display. Pease bring them to the Nov. meeting. Rob will make name- plates for each of us for our pictures.
2. Three photo contest opportunities:
Simsbury Bank Calendar: Rob will deliver our entries.
Holcomb Farm Contest: Go to their web page for rules and entry form.
Granby Land Trust Art Show: Check out their web page for information:
3. Club Social will be held at Paula’s house on Sat., Nov.10. We will do finger food and plan what we bring at the next meeting.

New Business:
1.Programs Planned
Nov.: Digital Discussion101
Bring in your camera and questions
Dec 3: Digital Discussion 102
Continue our questions and discussion.
Jan.7 : Photographer Wendy Van Weli
Paula will contact Wendy after the artists weekend!
Feb.4: The Process of Taking a Picture
Tom Burbank

2. Other Program Ideas
Making $ with Photography,
Introduction to Photoshop Workshop using the Drummer computers to get a feel for what it can do!
Digital Ideas: exploring our Menus, types of files( raw, j peg, tiff), white balance, using your histogram.
Indoor photography with and with out a flash
Organizing our pictures in the computer
The Process of taking a picture

3. Field Trips: Please share with Rob any ideas for field t rips.
Del will organize a trip to Innisfree Gardens
Please bring in some more ideas!
4. Andrea and Rob will email to our interest and level of expertise for Photoshop.
That will give us a better idea how to set up a program on Photoshop.
5. Yahoo Groups: Andrea will set up the club with a Camera Club yahoo group. Keep your eye out for her email and an invitation to join from Yahoo.
Program for the Evening: How your Camera Catches Light
Rob Fisher, Dick O’Donnell, and Vern Wells gave a very informative presentation from that covered the three important factors in controlling Light!

ISO : level of sensitivity to light :on the digital camera’s sensor and of your film .

Shutter Speed: Amount of time the shutter opens to record light. Rules are the same for digital and film cameras.

Aperture: Is the hole, an opening in the lens through which light passes to a digital camera’s sensor or film camera’s film A diaphram constructed of flat blades opens and closes to control the amount of light.

The relationship of these three will control what our camera records. It was an excellent program and gave us all a lot to think about as we use our cameras.
Thanks again to Vern, Rob, and Dick!

Program: Winners for September Scavenger Hunt:
Fence: Del,
Distortion: Lani, Rob
Favorite: Rob
All winning photos will be posted on our Camera Club blog. The winners and other entrees can be seen at the Granby Senior Center Community Room.

Scavenger Hunt Words for October
Favorite Picture, Abstract, Spooky
Please note that it was decided to have the favorite pictures be at least 5x7 or larger. The other categories can be 4x6 and larger.

Our Next meeting:
Monday, November 5 at 7:00 PM at the Granby Senior Center.
Program: Digital Discussion 101
Bring your camera and questions!

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