Monday, December 10, 2007



Rob opened the meeting, welcomed our guests and asked us to introduce ourselves. The last meeting Rob had asked us to talk about our favorite photograph. Some members brought in theirs to share with the group.

Treasurer's Report: Balance Dec 3, 2007 $764.59

Old Business:
1. The Simsbury Bank Calendar
The representative from the bank attended to announce that Rob, Lani, and Vern had pictures chosen for the calendar. Congratulations!!!! $ 300 will come to the club through their talent!
2.Kelly Lane School Exhibit
New fall pictures have been hung and Rob will get his picture of Christensen’s pond to Paula to be added to the exhibit.
3. Granby Pub and Grill
They are still waiting but plan on using old pictures from the Salmon Brook Historical Society that Peter had scanned and brought back to life.
4. Club Social
The party will be at Paula's home on Jan. 19 with a back up date of the 26th. Please let me know if the 19th is bad for you so we can get a feel as to which date works best. We will order a main chicken dish from Kanes and have members bring the rest. At the next meeting Paula will have a sign up sheet to for things to bring and to get ideas as to beverages we all like!

5. Programs Planned
Jan.7: Photographer Wendy Van Welie
We will meet at her studio
Feb.4: The Process of Taking a Picture
Tom Burbank
March 3: Photographing Wildlife
Gary Melnsyn
April 7: Critiquing Photographs
6. Field Trips
Ideas for December
Bright Lights: Nancy will get information
Wadsworth : Andy will get information
Other Winter Ideas
Ski Jumping in Salsbury: Dick will get information
Eagle Trip: Gary will get information

In June, we will plan a trip to Innisfree Gardens.

7. Projector for viewing images: Now that our treasury has grown it was agreed to look into buying a projector for viewing images. Dick reported that the best price was a Dell and next a Canon. Members are going to google to check out reviews. A good site to check out electronics is:

Program for the Evening: Digital 102
We had another interesting and informative evening of digital discussion.

Winners for November Scavenger Hunt:
Remember to email Rob your files so they can be put up on the blog!
Opposite: Vern and Lani
Favorite: Aurelle
Hinge: Vern
All winning photos will be posted on our Camera Club blog. The winners and other entrees can be seen at the Granby Senior Center Community Room.

Scavenger Hunt Words for December - Favorite Picture, Frost, Decorations
Please note that it was decided to have the favorite pictures be at least 5x7 or larger. The other categories can be 4x6 and larger. Remember these are pictures you have taken this last month!

Our Next meeting:
Monday, January 7, 2008 at 7:00 PM at Indigo Images, Wendy Van Welie's studio in Granby.

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