Saturday, May 03, 2008

Minutes notes for April Meeting


Rob Fisher opened the meeting and welcomed our guests. We were to introduce ourselves and give our thought about our forum. Rob asked that members let him know what else we need to include in the forum to meet all member’s interests and informational needs.

Treasurer’s Report: Balance $376.86

Old Business:
1. The Simsbury Bank Calendar
Start taking pictures for next year’s entries!
2.New Members Information Packet
Ideas to be included: our goals, history, fees, day, time and place of meetings, scavenger hunt information, critiquing criteria, activities and programs. Harry and Tracy are working on this.
3. Granby Library Exhibit
For the month of June the Camera Club will exhibit photographs at the Granby Library. Del would needs 5x7 prints with white mats and black frames. He can exhibit 30 photographs. At the next meeting please let Del know if you plan to have a Photograph for the exhibit. One photograph per member! There is no set theme. The set up date is May 29 or 30th. After the exhibit is finished the pictures will be hung at the Granby Senior Center for July and August.

4. Kelly Lane School Picture Exhibit
We received a letter from the principal thanking the club for our photographs on display. We will leave the current pictures up through the summer.
5. Holcomb Farm Contest
Next month Marty Council and Wendy Van Wiele will come to the club to talk about and answer questions concerning the contest. You can check out the Holcomb Farm Web site for details.

New Business
1.The Senior Center needs acorn pictures. Andrea will talk with Kerry and provide an image.
2.Field Trips
Look on the forum for postings of field trips. If someone has an ideas and date, they will inquire as to who would like to join them.
Some of our ideas were: Stanley Park in late April
June: Innisfree Gardens, Elizabeth Park, Mystic Sea Port Wooden Crafts,
Salmon Brook Historical Society’s Garden Tour
3. Scavenger Hunt
After a lengthy discussion the following guidelines were decided.
a. Each month someone will be chosen to pick the next month’s two words
b We will keep the rules the same.
c. Number of photos: one in favorite and up to two in the word categories.
d. If you have any more thoughts about this please use the forum. It is the
best way to share ideas!!!!
e. I will attach the updated list of our previous scavenger hunt words.
f. If you have any new lists of words bring them to the next meeting to share with other members

Program for the Evening
Peter Dinella reviewed our points for critiquing a photograph: composition, visual impact, technical, and creativity/originality. We then broke up into three groups and were given a photo from the Simsbury Bank Calendar. Each group critiqued their picture and shared their conclusion with the other groups. Good discussion and definitely a learning opportunity. Thanks Peter!!

Scavenger Hunt Words for April: Favorite Picture, Chaos, Mud
Please note that it was decided to have the favorite pictures be at least 5x7 or larger. The other categories can be 4x6 and larger. Remember these are pictures you have taken this last month!

Winners for March Scavenger Hunt:
Remember to email Rob your files so they can be put up on the blog!
All winning photos will be posted on our Camera Club blog. The winners and other entrees can be seen at the Granby Senior Center Community Room.
Favorite: Vern
Delicate: Nancy
Wind: Del

Our Next meeting:
Monday, May 5, 2008 at 7:00 PM at The Granby Senior Center
Program to be announced

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