Wednesday, July 02, 2008

Junior Camera Club Meeting - Minutes - June 29, 2008

We started our meeting with a pizza social and let the kids get to know each other. In attendance were six kids and their parents. We went around the table stating name, age, and how long we have been taking pictures.

Vern Wells did a kid friendly presentation on Composition complete with props. Among other topics he discussed what goes into taking a good photo. Key points that he made included lighting, subject, framing, position of subjects, and ensuring that you strive to take sharp focused pictures. The kids took turns taking pictures of his props with their cameras. The adults took pictures of the kids taking pictures.

We discussed the Scavenger Hunt and we agreed on the words "Flower" and "Favorite". Photo size suggested was 4x6 or 5x7. Each child can enter one photo into each category. Please bring your photos to our next meeting.

The next meeting will be July 14th @ 6:00. Vern will be doing the interactive presentation on Composition again.

See you all there.

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